Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin-shaped Butter-Garlic-Permesan Cheese biscuits

Halloween Pumpkin-shaped Butter/Garlic/Parmesan Cheese biscuits!

You will need:
cutting board
a can of biscuits (Regular or flaky)
green food coloring
a few drops of water
small paintbrush
Parmesan cheese
garlic powder

First step: pre-heat the oven to the temp on the biscuit can. Open the can of biscuits. Most cans have 8 biscuits. You can make 8, or if you want to split them in half (use flaky layers=top layers/bottom layers) you can have 16 biscuits! This demo will show you one which was split in half, I used flaky layers, so I made a total of 16 pumpkin-shaped biscuits.
with a sharp knife cut two triangles on the top, this will make the 'stem' and the top part of the pumpkin
remove the two triangles
round out the two pointy tops, you can massage it to the shape you like, it will look like an apple or pumpkin
Next step: in a small cup (i used the medicine cup) add 3-4 drops of green food coloring plus a few drops of water. Paint the 'stem' green. If you want the green to be lighter add more water drops, if you want it to be darker add more drops of food coloring.
 Next step: in a small bowl or ramekin, melt 2 tablespoons of butter in the microwave
brush the biscuits with the melted butter twice, butter each biscuit and then go back and do it again, then sprinkle the garlic, then the Parmesan cheese. Bake at the temp and time as stated on the cans directions.
Voila! Pumpkin shaped Butter-Garlic-Parmesan biscuits
these were a hit at our Halloween party!

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