Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Father's Day Booklet/Card -2010
Step 1: print the words you want to appear in the pictures. I have three girls so I printed "Happy" "Father's" and "Day", I chose different fonts and on plain white paper so it would stand out against them and in the booklet. You can also use little chalkboards or wooden signs.
Step 2: take lots of pics, some individual and some as a group. Don't worry about getting a perfect picture, some outtakes become the favorite and show off the child's temperament personality.
Step 3: Upload all the pics and chose the ones you like and have them printed. I chose 4x6 and color.
Step 4: Art for Cover, I printed the words "Happy Father's Day" and used text effects so that each letter could be colored in. The two oldest colored in the words using different colors and designs.
Step 5: Making the 'book', I took two pieces of black 8x11 scrapbook paper (the thick kind) and used them as my front and back cover, in between I added four pieces of different scrapbook paper (was 12x12 but I cut them down to 8x11). You can add as many pieces as your project needs. Once all sandwiched together, I folded one side about an inch inward. I then stapled it, or you can punch holes and run ribbon thru it.
 Step 6: Assembly, I glued the cover title after it was colored in by my girls on the first page. I also added a tie from the leftover paper.
 The next page I filled in lots of pics of my youngest holding the "Happy" paper, remember outtakes are great too.
 Then my oldest holding "Father's".
 Then my middle daughter holding "day!"
 The last page was pics of all three of them together. It worked out using more than one pic because not one was 'perfect'. I had them all sign their names on the bottom.
My husband LOVED this. I also did a smaller one, 5 x 7, filled with 3x5 cropped pics for my father-in-law, which he loved too.